I'm sure you've all heard of the american term 'douchebag' which has been popularised by movies and tv shows.
But if you're unsure what the term actually means or have never come accross it before then read on.
Urban Dictionary defines douchebag as
Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker.
A further definition can be read below.
The term "douchebag" generally refers to a male with any number of characteristics not associated with one particular region or age demographic. Douchebag is a combination of attitude qualities, social ability, and attire.
In terms of geography, douchebags can be found nearly anywhere. For instance, douchebags can be seen in US wearing fake diamond earrings, frosted spiked hair, unbuttoned collared shirts, blingy watches, overly groomed chinstraps, backwards colored Yankee hats with the sticker still attached and 2002 Mustangs are considered "tight." At the same time douchebags are also plentiful in the United Kingdom where on any given Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday night you can find males wearing pink collared shirts, while donning the following attire: pukka-shelled necklaces, fake skater shoes, have some variation of an Asian symbol tattoo on their shoulder or back, wear a Hurley hat that sits cockeyed on their head, throw various fake gang signs during pictures and drive their dad's old white 1997 convertible M3 BMW. They also generally find the length of time one drinks while doing a "keg-stand" directly correlates with the amount of women one can get.
As mentioned previously, douchebags transcend not only various geographical locations, but age demographics as well. For instance, douchebags are quite often seen in Manchester as evidenced by 40 year old man who still wears Oakley's, shaves his chest, wears shirts that read "ride" on the front and "me" on the back, and thinks its cool to wear white K-Swiss'. They are usually on first name basis with the girls at local clubs and think white T-shirt contests with 1/2 half-off Margaritas are better than any given sports game with cheap alcohol. At the same time, we can see young 21 year old douchebags in West L.A. who still think that Dolce & Gabbana belt buckles, and fo-hawks are the "pimp shit".
In terms of behavior douchebags have an over-inflated sense of self worth, lack the social ability to interact with non-douchebags, and have tricked their minds into thinking that they "get mad pussy." The irony is that they very rarely get pussy, but amazingly have the amazing propensity to talk quite often about allegedly getting it.

One of the things we hate the most at E.L.S. is...yeh you've guessed it..douchebags. As you've read above, this behaviour isn't just found in white males. If you have read our previous posts, you'll be well aware that we do not encourage this type of behaviour. Women like different types of guys...tall ones, skinny ones, fat ones, and short ones. Just remember to be yourself. DO NOT act like someone else...a chick will be able to find out quicker than you think.
If you need to sort yourself out in terms of appearance, go for something simple that is fashionably accepted in the modern day. I myself do not apply any hair gell and always have short hair combed to the side (that is when I can be bothered..otherwise I'm pretty much like a tramp most of the time..I simply do not care how I look..it just doesan't bother me the way it bothers others - right now i have lengthy stubble because when i shave I have a 'babyface'). Another thing that is important is that you should keep yourself fit and healthy. Women when looking for a possible mate, want a healthy spouse..it's part of the natural selection theory. Go to the gym..do some cardio everyday and lift weights 3/4 times a week in order to give you more energy throughout the day and feel better about yourself..you'll soon notice that with your new toned body...you will start to get looks (BECAUSE you now have a level of confidence that you never had before).
Here is a collection of images to help you visualize a douchebag.

I agree with the statement. This does happen too often and all I have to say is..have all the women in the world gone mad?!?

One individual however does stand out within this group. His name is Scott Alexander. One thing we must say is that we at E.L.S. admire his entrepreneurial skills...he has made millions and continues to make millions. Like any self-made millionaire, he identified a gap in a certain market and has financially risen from a broke homeless graduate to a dude with penthouses, properties, and cars a normal man dreams of...but the problem is..he's still a douchebag!