Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Abercrombie Douchebags

One company which I'm starting to dislike is Abercrombie & Fitch, the Parent Company of Holister and Gilly Hicks.

Now I can't tell a person what to wear and what not to wear. It is up to him/her to wear what suits their personality. The Company's employment policy in my opinion however is just wrong. It is also used by it's subsidiaries. I was having a discussion on Facebook with one of the girls who works at Holister. She was an ex-housemate and a very nice person. I asked her:
"ok. ok. so if a guy who was overweight and another guy who was in good physical condition were to apply for the same position, who'd you think would get it at one of these stores (Gilly Hicks or Holister)? bare in mind that the overweight guy had extremely good communication skills and was able to sell quite a lot of stock where as the other had no such qualities"
 Her reply was:
"yeah but he wouldn't be able to fit in their clothes and you have to wear their clothes. silly! :P"
I have no idea whether they produced XL or XXL clothing so I just searched it up and found out they do. I'd be surprised if they didn't because all other desginers produce these sizes such as Ralph Lauren, Armani, Hugo Boss etc. But even so, from that I gather that despite the overweight guy being more suited for the job, he probably wouldn't 'look good' which clearly does not fit the image the Company's marketting style and would therefore lose out to the other guy.

I've only been in that store once and that was because an old school friend went in there. We hadn't met for a very long time. He told me that the main reason why he wears such clothing is because his girlfriend wants him to wear it. So essentially, his girlfriend wants him to be 'hip' and clothing from Holister is 'hip'. When I went in with him, it was dark with hardly any lighting. Clever trick to use on consumers as they can't see the exact detail on the clothing but they'll still buy it. Everyone seems to be following this craze of purchasing their clothes from these stores. People even on Facebook have put in their job description 'Works at Holister' even though they actually don't. It's appears that if you work there, then society has accepted that you are good looking. I along with a few others seem like the only ones who haven't sucumbed to this so-called Abercrombie indoctrination for which I am glad. I'd rather be unique than follow the crowd.

Here is a MAD TV skit on Abercrombie employees. What I like about it is that it's a true representation. Enjoy.

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