Sunday, 15 July 2012

The Law of Nature

"One is all, all is one"

Towards her old age, my mother gained a lot of weight. Being an advocate of healthy eating and living a healthy lifestyle, I tried to persuade her that she should watch what she ate. She was after all ill. She was diabetic and it was believed that she was suffering with gout. However, I later found out that the swelling she always ended up getting on her ankles was not from gout but was caused by her heart. It was not pumping enough oxygenated blood throughout her body. It was all linked as she had Pulmonary Fibrosis. He heart was working overtime. I had mentioned this in a post devoted to her.

She always ended up joking about death. When we talked about her weight, she would reply back with "at least the ants will be happy. They'll get food". I didn't really think about it in depth. Only until she passed away when I stood in front of her grave to bury her that I fully understood this so called natural law.

As humans, we are only a minute and insignificant part of an immense and flowing cosmos which itself is made up entirely of minute and insignificant parts. I will label these minute and insignificant parts as 'ones'. If you add all these ones, it will eventually become 'all'. Without all these ones, the all cannot exist. We are all destined to die. It's in the uncodified law of nature. If I were to pass away in this world, it would continue to move along as if nothing had happened because I am just a small part of it. Not even a fraction. What makes us who we are, the soul, the spiritual essence of a person vanishes. All that remains is the physical, the body. Water, Carbon, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphorous, Salt, Saltpeter, Sulfur, Magnesium, Fluorine, Iron, and Aluminum. The human body is only a combination of those simple elements as well as trace amounts of a few others.We’re destined to be decomposed by bacteria and become nutrients for plants. If you then follow the process further, those plants will nourish herbivores. The herbivores end up nourishing carnivores. Even though we lose awareness our lives, all of us will keep on moving through the system that nature has developed. This so called cycle of life.

No matter how much we try, we are unable to escape a fate that will undoubtedly come to all of us. Advances in science and technology can only help to a certain extent.

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